Thursday, November 18, 2010


Long story short, I ended up only having to work a 3 hour day today.  I finished by 9 and Hubs took the car to work.  Before he came home for lunch I got super motivated.  Dishes were unloaded and loaded, 2 loads of laundry were completed, and I made chicken noodle soup from scratch!  It wasn't bad which was nice since I had never attempted soup or even cooked real vegetables before.  I know-embarrassing.

Here's a photo and recipe for anyone curious.

Cook on stove top
-1/2 cup carrots
-1/4 cup celery

Boil in large pot
-6 cups chicken broth
-chicken- I used the leftover breast and a half from dinner last night
-1/2 tsp marjoram
-1/2 tsp thyme
-carrots and celery

Reduce heat and add
-1 1/4 egg noodles

Cook for 10 minutes and then garnish with a small amount of parsley.

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