Anyways, so I have officially reached 28 "likes" as of this afternoon and so my giveaway must begin!! Entries will be accepted until the end of the day, February 28th.
I have quite the stash of completed collars since I am preparing for Spring Craft Season and am willing to part with any one you would like. That's right, you get to dress your furry friend in any collar you like! Once winner is contacted we will work together to find you the perfect fit. Here's how you can participate. Each one of these counts as their own entry so you have 4 chances to win!!!
- Like my facebook page-
- Follow me on twitter-!/lizziebees
- Follow my blog-
- Heart my etsy shop-
**Once you complete each of these entries you must leave a separate comment on this blog post to be entered**
Don't forget to include your email as well so I can get in contact with you in case you win. Winner will be chosen by
Here's a couple examples of comments:
~~I like you on facebook as Lianne Nichols. lnichols at hotmail dot com
~~I hearted your etsy shop as bumblemebumble. lnichols at hotmail dot com
So- Go win yourself a pet collar!!!
I like you on face book as Mint 2 Sew :)
I heart your etsy shop as Mint 2 Sew
sun_flower_lin at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog as myself :)
This is starting to feel stalkerish :)
And lastly I follow your Twitter as Mint2Sew
I liked you on facebook as Karen Viets.
I'm following your blog as karenviets.
I'm following you on Twitter as knviets.
I hearted your etsy shop as KayVeeDesigns. Woohoo!
I know my little boston terrier would love one of your collars!
Anywho, I'm following you on Etsy as Mint Nostalgia (one of my little side projects) and Twitter as Austin Blondie.
Good luck with the contest!! Great promotion :)
I'm following you on Twitter (@AJthePurple)
And I <3 you on Etsy!
And I like you on facebook! Congrats on so many likes :D
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