Nope, I'm not referring to basketball, I'm talking about crafting! I had 2 shows already this month which may not seem like a lot to most of you, but since Hubs and I share a car and both have full time jobs as well, it makes things a little crazy. Most of my sewing gets done on the weekends when I'm not at work and he is, but this month it's been non stop.
First I participated in the Funky Finds Spring Fling! My little sister came with me to this one and I must say, all those years of selling girl scout cookies has really paid off. I could walk away for any amount of time and come back to a list of what she sold and accurate amounts of money, including credit card payments! We were located right next to the pet adoptions and portraits both days so it was great foot traffic (the four legged kind)!
Then the next weekend I was a part of the Cowtown Indie Bazaar! I had so much fun at this one last year so i was pumped and ready to go. One of my brothers came along to this one to help me as well. I do like to be able to go to the bathroom with harassing one of my booth neighbors. :-) We headed up there and on the way saw a huge truck flip over on the highway. It was a tragic and amazing thing to see all at once. Tragic-I'm not sure how extensive the drivers injuries were but the thing was completely upside down. The whole highway stopped immediately. Amazing-Watching complete strangers pull over and rush to the aid of this man. People were running to help with first aid kits, sleeping bags, water, anything they thought might help while they waited for EMS. I thought about pulling over as well but it was starting to pile up quick and there were so many people there already. I didn't want to end up being just another person in the way. A long stream of cars followed me as well. I'm hoping that by pushing through I cleared some traffic for more emergency vehicles to get there quickly but I'm still wondering how the driver is... Once we got to Fort Worth traffic was bad so we headed to set up instead of checking in at the hotel. Whoops- I was 45 minutes early for set up and had to leave and come back. I felt like a moron. After that very rocky start the rest of the weekend went very well.
Now I'm home and am on my staycation. I've unpacked from both events and made my list of things to make before my next event on April 16th. Lone Star Ladies Shop Crafty---I've got new booth ideas brewing for this one.
How have your spring crafts been? Any events you want to share?
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