Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays

Just in case anyone actually ever reads this blog, I just wanted to say Happy Holidays from everyone at the Nichols household, including our newest member, Pickles!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Crazy Meter

I always get really nervous before an event.  Almost kind of crazy in my nervousness to be honest.  Lucky for me my husband is cool as a cucumber in almost every scenario.  He takes over the checking in portion and finds my area and then we start to set up.  Once I am set up the crazy meter dials down about 50%.

Unfortunately thats when my painfully shy meter skyrockets!  I am terrified to talk to my booth neighbors, event coordinators, etc.  Customers- no big deal.  Other artists- that's a whole different story.

Today is especially scary for me.  I have a 2 day event in Buda, Tx where I have only been once.  I have no clue where I'm going and I have to go alone.  Did you hear me?!?!  ALONE!!!!!  I have to get there alone, check in alone, assemble the EZ-up alone (not EZ by the way)...  I have a couple people stopping by to help a little during the day and I have completely stolen my 16 yr old brother's Saturday so he can help me after lunchtime, but I am still terrified.

Please, if you find my booth at Budafest and it is empty, just look under the table.  I'm probably huddled up in a ball crying or something.  :-)